One great thing about Virtual Reality is that it can give you a good workout. I constantly find myself coming back to Beat Saber and Creed, and I’m always looking for new games that’ll make working out more enjoyable. So when BoxVR was announced for the PSVR, I was interested. So, is BoxVR any good?
BoxVR is a game that is all about getting a good exercise. You’re given two boxing gloves and you have to punch balls that come towards you. It’s kind of a mix of Creed and Beat Saber, which is a good thing. Some balls you just have to jab, and some you have to swing at in a specific direction. There are also objects that you have to block and dodge. It’s a simple concept, but hard to master. Especially when you play some of the harder workouts.
When you start the game you are given three options, classes, my workouts, and multiplayer. Classes is where you choose what workout you want to do, there are dozens to choose from. These workouts can be anywhere from two to sixty minutes long, it’s really nice to have a big selection of workouts. My Workouts is where you can create and choose your own workouts, you don’t get to design how the level plays, but you get to make a playlist with any songs you would like. Sadly you can’t import your own music, but there is a good variety of songs in the game. And finally the multiplayer, where you can compete with friends or strangers online.
The workouts themselves really are well done. They make you move left and right, crouch down, punch, and change foot position. But not every workout is intense, you can choose some of the more basic or shorter workouts. And each workout plays to the beat of the music. I really was surprised with how many songs there were in the game, there are over 100 songs to choose from. And while not all of them are amazing, there is a great variety to choose from. Another nice thing is that you can choose what gym you’d like to do the workout in, each gym looks great.
As for the multiplayer, it’s decent. You’re basically just put into a game with your opponents, but you can only see them on the leaderboard. You won’t be able to see them physically, but I still felt the desire to try and beat them.
One aspect of the game that pushes the workout aspect are the statistics and daily goals. You can set a daily goal for how long you’d like to play, and every time you visit the lobby it’ll show you how far you are. You can also go into the statistics to see your daily stats and your lifetime stats. These stats include calories burnt, classes taken, and time spent.
So overall BoxVR is a great game. It has a great variety in music and workouts, the gameplay is fast and fun, and most importantly it gives you a good and fun workout. This might not be geared towards most gamers, but if you enjoy working out in VR this is a fantastic choice!